Friday, February 01, 2008

Super Bowl

While in Arizona, Brianna took me down to the Stadium where Superbowl is being held. I don't care who is playing, because I don't like either team. Don't get me started....
But, I thought it would be nice of me to show all of you where the Superbowl is this year, since most of you won't be able to see it yourselves.

So, here you go....

**All of these were taken while driving in the car with the exception of the last one. That one is made of all chocolate. ***

I have lots more pictures to go through. I know Jessica is dying to see her maternity photos.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Bianca said...

Very cool! I especially love the second to last one with all the clouds.

Jessica said...

These are great shots. Yes, I am dying but I know there is a lot of work to be done on them.

cristina thornburg photography said...

Hey, you got some great shots. I like the one with the ferris wheel. Look at those clouds! Photoshop, right?! Ha, ha...just kidding! I wub to *razz* ya! You know I love ya!

Jeanette said...

yay, you're back! Cool Superbowl venue shots too.

sherri said...

Very cool to see! Thank you for sharing! They have a ferris wheel!? Kewl.